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Peace in Amber de Hugh Howey

Posté : jeu. janv. 23, 2014 9:10 am
par marie.m
"Peace in Amber" est une nouvelle de Hugh Howey qui se déroule dans l'univers d'Abattoir 5 de Kurt Vonnegut (à acheter sur Amazon).

Hugh Howey was a boat captain living aboard a seventy-four-foot yacht in the shadow of the Twin Towers on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Imprisoned and put on display in a glass-domed zoo on the planet Tralfamadore, adult film actress Montana Wildhack is left alone with her thoughts and her occasional lover Billy Pilgrim.
Inspired by Kurt Vonnegut’s masterpiece Slaughterhouse Five, Howey uses this short story to weave his own personal Dresden experience with Wildhack’s private hell. In Peace in Amber, he examines the struggle to determine what to control, when to surrender, and how to discern those things we cannot change.

Sur SF Signal, une interview de l'auteur à propos de cette nouvelle justement :

Extrait :
Kristin Centorcelli: Your new short story, Peace in Amber has quite an unusual premise! Will you tell us more about it?
Hugh Howey: Peace in Amber is a work of fan fiction that takes place in Kurt Vonnegut’s SLAUGHTERHOUSE 5. Vonnegut used his masterpiece to discuss the bombing of Dresden, which he survived as a German POW. My work deals with my 9/11 experiences in Lower Manhattan. In this story, I bounce back and forth between autobiographical accounts of that day and the fictional character of Montana Wildhack, who is a prisoner on Tralfamadore. The two threads intertwine in that both explore free will, forgiveness, and our reaction to violence.