Une interview de Terry Brooks et une adaptation ciné

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Une interview de Terry Brooks et une adaptation ciné

Message par jerome » jeu. juil. 17, 2008 8:10 am

Terry Brooks (Royaume magique à vendre !, Shannara ) revient sur son processus d'écriture lors d'une interview sur le net.

Petit extrait :
How do you keep yourself interested in each new book?
Terry Brooks : The longer I'm in this business, the more I like to experiment with the writing in general. Almost to the point where, about once per book, I will write myself into a very difficult situation just to see if I can write myself out of it. I think you need to keep yourself challenged in order to produce writings that keep the readers interested too and that's a constant challenge especially after this long where you could just call it a career, walk away and let it go at that but then my wife would have to put up with me hanging around the house!

Do you ever wish you could undo any events in a previous book?
Terry Brooks : Periodically, I have certain regrets of that sort, yes, where I think I could have taken this a different way and that would have solved the problem. But that's just part of the challenge. You're locked in, now what are you going to do about it?

Toute l'interview est ici

A noter que le producteur Bob Ducsay a annoncé durant une conférence de presse qu'il travaillait à l'adaptation cinématographique du roman de Terry Brooks, Royaume magique à vendre. Pour l'heure aucune date n'a été fixée pour la sortie.
'Pour la carotte, le lapin est la parfaite incarnation du Mal.' Robert Sheckley


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