Interview George R. R. Martin


The publie une interview en langue anglaise de George R. R. Martin dans laquelle l'auteur y évoque entre autres, son dernier roman paru, A Dance With Dragons, son expérience de scénariste et ses espoirs en tant que fan de séries télé en général.

Voici un petit extrait, et pour la suite, c'est ici :
Do you consider your writing as falling within the fantasy genre? What are the advantages to working within a specific genre? How does it help you tell your story?

I don't want to deny that I write in fantasy, I think I obviously do. There's magic and there's dragons and swords, and all the traditional trappings of fantasy here. But I've also written in other genres in the past, a lot of science fiction, horror, and books that are strange hybrids of all of these things.

Priscilla Duran Mulas
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