David Anthony Durham parle de ses futurs projets


 Alors que le troisième tome d'Acacia, The Sacred Band, est paru en anglais (il devrait paraître en France dans le courant du mois), David Anthony Durham est en interview pour Suvudu. L'occasion pour l'auteur de revenir sur ses trois livres mais également de faire un bilan sur cette première incursion en fantasy. Il y dévoile également ses futurs projets. 

Extrait : 

What are you currently working on? Are you going to stay in the fantasy genre or venture back out into historical fiction? 

I’m working on three different things. My next novel will be historical, about the Spartacus rebellion in ancient Rome. I’m in the early stages of it, but I’ve found a voice to tell it in. If I carry on as I am at the moment, it’s going to be a first person novel. Not told by Spartacus, but by someone close to him. 

I’ve also got to get cracking on another three-part story for George RR Martin’s next Wild Cards book. I had a three-parter about the same character in the last book, Fort Freak. It was lots of fun, and I’m very happy to be working with George and his cadre of writers. It’s good company to be in. 

Lastly – and this is the first time I’m mentioning this publicly – I’m working on a middle grade fantasy series. It’s early days yet with this one. I just gave a big chunk of it to my agent and he loved it. So, here’s hoping something comes of that. 

I’m feeling pretty good about the different prospects. I have more freedom now than I’ve ever had before and I’m going to make use of it!

Pour lire l'interview dans son intégralité.
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