Des nouvelles de James Owen


James A. Owen vient de signer The Search for the Red Dragon, un livre dans le cadre de sa série Imaginarium Geographica.

Voici ce qu'il en dit :

[It was] about an Atlas of Imaginary Lands that had been owned by H.G. Wells, and I always wanted to do more with that," Owen said in an interview. "So the next step was asking, one, where Wells got it, and, two, who would get it next?"

Red Dragon picks up about nine years after the events of the first book in the series, Here, There Be Dragons, in which protagonists John, Jack and Charles become the caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica and battle the Winter King in the Archipelago of Dreams.

"Now nightmares about giants have brought them together in Oxford once more," Owen said. "A girl named Laura Glue has come to tell them of a crisis in the Archipelago: All of the fabled Dragonships are missing. And, worse, all of the children are gone, too."
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