Interview Alan Moore


The Big Issue publie en ligne et en vo une interview accordée par Alan Moore, dans laquelle ce dernier revient sur ses convictions, son travail et ses relations avec les gens qu'il appelle "normaux". 

En voici un extrait, et pour plus de détails et la suite, c'est ici : 

“It certainly seems a little incongruous to me,” he allows, speaking from between the stacks of rare books that crowd his terrace house in Northampton and make it “almost unliveable”. The writer behind Watchmen, V for Vendetta and From Hell fell in with the science crowd as a result of his appearances at Robin Ince’s ‘School for Gifted Children’ shows in London. Self-depreciatingly, he describes the events as “a bunch of really talented comedians, and scientists and musicians… and then me” but he is delighted to have been accepted by the rigorously rationalist audience. Especially given his decision on his 40th birthday to become an Aleister Crowley-style practising magician and simultaneously start worshipping the second century snake god Glycon.

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