Une interview de Joe Abercrombie


Depuis quelques jours, on peut découvrir en France un nouvel auteur de fantasy : Joe Abercrombie avec un premier roman chez J'ai lu (La première Loi).

Voici sa bobine :

Et voici une interview en anglais.

Ils parlent de ses projets :

How about a progress report, then?
About half way through the first draft, but it’s been quite tough going compared to Last Argument of Kings, and I suspect there’ll be quite a bit of work to do in the editing. There’s a whole new set of central characters (well, not all of them are entirely new, but they weren’t central before) which means a whole new set of approaches to work out, and tones to get right. Series books are actually a fair bit easier to write than stand-alone ones, from that point of view.
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