And the Winner is :
American Gods !
American Gods 7,476 (28%)
Anansi Boys 1,743 (7%)
Coraline 1,921 (7%)
Fragile Things 2,527 (10%)
M is for Magic 2,560 (10%)
Neverwhere 5,681 (21%)
Smoke & Mirrors 2,143 (8%)
Stardust 2,500 (9%)
Total Votes: 26,551 Et le mot de Gaiman :
"It was really interesting. I don't think I would have put up American Gods as a first choice for free book myself -- mostly because a) it's really long and b) it divides people. As far as I can tell, for every five people who read it, one loves it utterly, two or three like it to varying degrees, and one hates it, cannot see the point to it and needs convincing that it's a novel at all. (Quite often the last person really likes some of the other books I've written, if they ever pick up anything else by me ever again.) But that's the fun of democracy, and American Gods has won more awards than any other single thing I've written."
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