Des nouvelles de Michaël Moorcock


Michael Moorcock a évoqué son nouveau roman : The Metatemporal Detective avec les aventures de Sir Seaton Begg, un détective temporel travaillant pour le "British Home Office".

Avec son ami Doctor 'Taffy' Sinclair, il voyage à travers le temps et les mondes parallèles au notre pour résoudre différents crimes. La première nouvelle du recueil a été écrite en 1966 et s'appelle The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius. Et j'en parle avec d'autant plus de plaisir ce matin que vous pourrez la relire cette nouvelle début 2008 dans un recueil édité par Actusf et avec 4 récits signés Michael Moorcock...

Pour le reste, Begg va devoir souvent affronter son ennemi préféré Count Zenith, un albinos qui fait évidemment pensé à Elric.

En voici un peu plus :

"In "The Case of the Nazi Canary," Hitler's girlfriend Geli Raubal is murdered, and the Nazis ask Begg to help solve the case, Moorcock said. "In 'The Texas Twister,' America is divided into a number of different nation-states, including Texas, Dineland (Navajo territory) and California, all of whom are rivals," he said. "Characters not dissimilar to George Bush and his Texan cronies are trying to track down Zenith, who has stolen plans for an internal combustion engine."

Moorcock's first metatemporal detective story—"The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius"—appeared in New Worlds in 1966, he said. "In the '90s I wanted a character who could look at some of the important issues of the 20th century and make use of research I'd done, for instance, for my sequence of non-fantasy books about the Nazi Holocaust," Moorcock said.

Seaton Begg is a nod to Sexton Blake, an old pulp detective whose adventures Moorcock read as a boy in pulps such as Sexton Blake Library, The Union Jack and Detective Weekly, originally published in the '20s and '30s, Moorcock said. "He saw print first in 1897, and new stories are still being written," he said.

One of Blake's greatest adversaries was a character called Zenith the Albino, a gentleman crook of great daring who might possibly have been an Eastern European nobleman, Moorcock said. "Zenith was an influence on my character Elric, so in some ways these stories are homages," he said. "But there are many other homages in the stories, too. For instance in 'The Affair of the Basin des Hivers,' there are characters from French pulp fiction and movies, as well as a victim from a Balzac novel."

Et il confirme également qu'il a écrit deux nouvelles histoires d'Elric pour Weird Tales

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