Kage Baker a un cancer


Kage Baker a rendu public son cancer il y a quelques jours.

Voici ce que dit l'article :

However ... her health is really extremely fragile right now. She is fatigued to the point of falling asleep on a moment's notice, and so weak and dizzy that she cannot stand unassisted. She cannot walk. She cannot sit in a chair without help. She cannot usually reach the phone in her hospital room. While messages, cards, etc would be much appreciated, I would ask that they be sent to our home address, rather than her hospital room. Honestly, she cannot physically cope with anything else. And of course, anything sent to my email for her will be printed out and delivered ASAP.

Theobromos will make her smile, although at the moment she can't really eat it - it's taking all my persuasive powers to get her to eat anything at all.

As to how bad it is ... dear heart, it is about as bad as it can be. It started out as uterine cancer, and the surgery for that went well - but on Christmas Eve we discovered it had metastasized to her brain. She had a craniotomy the day after Christmas, and an inch-long tumor was removed from her cerebellum - three weeks later, it has regenerated to the size of a golf ball. She has begun both radiation and chemo this week, and they do seem to be helping: but it will be a week or two before we know if they are making a sufficient difference to save her life. At this point, it is a race to see what dies faster: Kage or the cancer. There are also 5 tumors in her lungs, though all of them are mercifully smaller; they are responding fast, too, and she said tonight that she can breathe a bit better already.

If we are lucky, the therapies will win her a few months; if we are incredibly lucky, 6 months to a year. If she gets more than that, it will be a literal miracle. What we are aiming at is as much time as we can get, in as much comfort as can be managed. She is not giving up, though, and neither - obviously! - am I. I have been her caregiver for 8 months now, and am not going to surrender as long as there is the smallest chance of her living through this."

L'article propose de lui envoyer quelques messages de soutient :

Email address: materkb@gmail.com
Kage Baker 331 Stimson, Apt. B, Pismo Beach CA 93449.
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